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November 14, 2005


Prof. Paul: "I for one, do not doubt that science is winning and will win the culture war against fundamentalist religion's backward pull, but it won't be without a struggle."

I am not so sanguine, though I hope you are right. As an immigrant to this country, I am puzzled by the appeal of the 'anti-science' crowd in a country whose prominence rests, at least partly, on its scientific prowess.

I find argument with ID-creationists wearying. It takes away time from the pleasure of doing biology, for me anyway.


Thanks for the honorific - but I am not a professor.

I too am disturbed by the expanding harmful influence of organized religion in matters of science and medicine in the US and elsewhere.

The crazies and the bigots have been and always will be there. It is up to the scientific community and the national leadership of a country to see to it that their voices do not interfere with progress. In the last twenty or so years, since Ronald Reagan became president, the trend to pander to religious bigotry for political expediency, has been on the rise. The fall of communism in the USSR and eastern Europe, gave the movement a boost that has emboldened the bigots. They indeed now believe that "God" is on their side and their message must be heeded by all, including scientists. George Bush has played the dangerous game of pandering to these ruthless tacticians more than any other national leader I have seen.

But I would advise you that you should not give up easily in your arguments with the "anti-science" crowd even if it does take away from your time and energy. That is precisely what they are hoping for - to silence the voices of reason with their own strident advocacy.

I wish I could share your optimism. But I feel like in the United States, at least, the Christian fundamentalists have been gaining social and political strength in their struggle with the progressive movement.

I find it incredibly disturbing that science is a political issue, but if you accept the premise that it is, what does the Bush presidency indicate? He appeals to the evangelists; John McCain did not; Bush emerged as the Republican nominee. Didn't Kennedy have to convince the nation that he would not rule based on his Catholic religion? Howard Dean, running for the Democratic nomination, had to get Jimmy Carter to publicly endorse Dean as a "Christian." It feels like this country has taken a great step backwards towards theocracy--and Alito replacing O'Connor won't help matters.

Bush has perfected pandering to the religious right to an art form. It reflects the hollowness of his leadership and the bankruptcy of his intellectual and moral vision. But I am hopeful that with an appropriate change in leadership, it may be possible to restore the forward looking vision of this country. The danger will be in electing another leader who may decide to continue in the same anti-science, anti-progress path for the same cynical political calculations as George Bush and Karl Rove have done.

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