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« If You Don't Vote, You Can't Complain | Main | Joy To The World »

November 09, 2006


You must have had a good rest after all the hard work put in on Election Day.

Here, I'm totally gleeful at the Dem sweep in the major battles in PA. 'Pay-it-back-Rick' Santorum ( for having swindled a local school district of $55K in taxpayer's money to educate his children in a charter school) is GONE! Casey Jr. may be a conservative Dem, but that's still much better than a conservative Republican. Interesting local ward by ward stats show that Casey had gained quite a bit of ground in my very conservative township.

And now the real 'hard werk' of reining in the chimperor starts in Jan 2007. I only hope that no more damage is done in the 2 months before the new Congress is sworn in.

It will interesting to see what we find now that the lid has been pried off this festering stew...Cheney fired the first shot across the bow by hinting that he will ignore any subpenoa...history will not be kind to this administration

Part of the legacy of American politics, ab origine, is againstness. So it shouldn't be an entirely discouraging fact that Americans have announced their resounding antipathy to the status quo, rather than a genuine "Can't we all just get along?" or "Let's put on a play!"

I share your and Prof. Leiter's qualified sense of the state of affairs today, Ruchira. This feeling was affirmed yesterday evening via C-SPAN, where a briefing of conservatives "betrayed" by the current administration was aired. See this entry in the video archive under Politics/Elections: Post Election Briefing hold a post election briefing with Richard Viguerie from and American Targeting Advertising and L. Brent Bozell III, from the Conservative Victory Fund.

Unfortunately, C-SPAN doesn't provide clean links to its archived objects, so you'll have to plumb the archive two or three pages.

I found it disturbing, because it depicts the internicine disputes within the conservative "movement," yet the conservatives who have evidently opposed this administration nevertheless maintain a miserable agenda, involving so-called family values and small government sorts of silliness. It's worth watching, if only to see them try to make the best of a massive defeat, although that sentiment wears thin very quickly. But it's quite discouraging, because it represents an alignment of shared opposition to the Bush mess between the present majority and, to my mind, a hopelessly irrational contingent (as opposed to a hopefully irrational one).

Compounding my distress is a remark like the following appearing in an article in today's The article focuses on the implications of the election results for judicial nominations:

"'The biggest thing [about the Democratic takeover] is judges,' notes David Hoppe, former chief of staff to Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss. 'Everything else has a way of working itself out,' adds Hoppe, now a lobbyist at Quinn Gillespie & Associates."

Everything else works itself out?! Now, I have a fairly insipid and immature politics, but it strikes me as either hopelessly naive or viciously cynical to hold the opinion that judicial appointments entail real, rigorous politics and everything else is child's play. This fellow is a lobbyist and former Lott staffer; I doubt he's naive.


If I let myself, I would feel the same reservations as you are feeling regarding this election. But, for these first few days, I am determined to look at the positive. Can you imagine how we would have felt if the outcome had been anything short of what we have?

There is a tidal wave of progressive optimistic expression right now. We should let it wash over us and cleanse us and energize us.

Last Sunday I heard a Spanish song that goes, in part, "we are the ocean, we are the boat..." How apt.

I really enjoyed reading your description of your day as an election worker. One of these days, when I can make the time, I hope to do the same.

And don't even think of retiring Accidental Blogger. In the style of "Tom Paine" pamphleteers of old, your passion as expressed through your daily posts kept the energy alive for many.

Congratulations on Lampson's victory!

No, Hoppe is not naive and neither are the conservatives who are disenchanted with Bush for reasons 180 degrees different from mine. And that is my problem with this anti-Bush coalition.

I have similarly suspected generic polls which report that majority of Americans think that "the country is going in the wrong direction." When you scratch beneath the bland way the question is phrased, one discovers that different people have diametrically different reasons for thinking so. Too many guns, not enough guns. Too many abortions, not enough right to choose. Too much social welfare, not enough etc. etc. When you break that down, people don't agree at all on which direction they want the nation to move towards.

I am therefore a bit wary of this "anti-Bush" mandate. Surely, Richard Viguerie and I do not agree on why Bush is wrong but only that he is wrong. This confluence of opposing forces coming together to bring about a desirable result is something the Dems must be very careful about.

Like Sujatha, I too am very pleased that a Democrat is now going to occupy DeLay's seat in my district. Nick Lampson is a thorough gentleman. But he had supported the Iraqi invasion and is endorsed by the NRA. He is also pro-choice and supports social services like social security, Medicare. And he is not contemptuous of those who need governmental assistance to get their lives together as the average Texas Republican is. I can live with the vote I cast for him but he is not my ideal candidate.

It is going to be quite a balancing act for the Dems to hold on to the Independents who switched to their side and still not lose the next election when the right wingers find greener pastures.

I am also wondering whether voters will hand over both congress and the White House to the same party in 2008 after the disaster of the past six years. So if the Dems hold on to congress, what does that portend for Hillary?

Unfortunately, even in my middle age, I am still looking for visionaries when politics is just for politicians. Perhaps I ought to reconcile to the fact that "lesser of two evils" is sometimes the only choice we are offered.

I missed your comment - we must have posted almost simultaneously.

No, I am not being negative - just cautiously optimistic. My husband on the other hand, is jubilant. According to him, winning is the first step. I agree. I am just hoping that the second one won't be a stumble. Let's hope that the Dems will be able to hold on to the advantage by offering some solid gains at home and in Iraq while being careful to keep the blame on Iraq solidly at Bush's doorstep. Remember Karl Rove is licking his wounds in the wings and will pounce on the flimsiest of pretexts.

I am very, very happy about Bush's humiliation. I am just not so sure about the Dems - yet.

"I am still looking for visionaries when politics is just for politicians," writes Ruchira. She should have cited to the Onion.

Okay Dean, that IS funny.

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