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February 05, 2007


Very interesting. I am passing this info on. And So i hope this works.

I am always wary of such dire warnings and for a very good reason.

What's the dilemma? I read the account. It doesn't contradict what is said here. All that I gathered is that the Do Not Call registration keeps your cell phone number off limits from telmarketers and not from the 411 consortium. So? Since it looks like the cell phone companies are going ahead with the consortium and are about to publish the numbers, telemarketers are going to get hold of cell phone numbers sooner or later. I think this is a good move to pre-emptively have one's number off their list. And what is to prevent the phone companies from selling those numbers? I don't trust them to keep anything private. After all, AT&T divulged call info to Bush's NSA snooping!

I haven't so far received sales calls on my cell phone but my husband occasionally does. That may be because I use mine only for private calls and he uses his at work. So, on the whole, I think the Do Not Call registry is a good idea.


First, if you read the snopes account carefully, you would notice that the cell phone number would be added only if you request so. If you don't, your number would stay off limit of the even the 411 directory.

Second, do you think the telephone companies won't give up your numbers to government agencies just because it's on the no-call-registry? However, to offer it to private parties would violate privacy laws for which they can be sued. In the case of NSA, you will have to sue the government because companies are duty bound to comply with government order.

Third, by all means register your phone to the do-not call directory. My point was that this e-mail warning of all cell phone numbers being turned over tomorrow is completely false. You can of course argue that it makes sense on a general basis-you can't make that argument on the basis of a false e-mail.


Last point-they are not going to publish the numbers-you will have to call the 411 directory to obtain the number-a horribly expensive process for a tele-marketer. And of course, your number gets added only if you request them to do so.

Thank you Confused. I understand. I get a lot of "the sky is falling" type of emails from my well meaning friends. I don't take most seriously. But this one I did because the Do Not Call registry that went into effect a few years ago for my land phone, seems to work.

This one doesn't seem like a bad idea, no matter what the phone consortium is going to do with the cell phone numbers.

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