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April 02, 2007


Malkin is a vicious and nasty piece of work. Her meanness is not even tempered by the slightly laughable and performative flame throwing of Ann Coulter, the right wing drama queen. M.M. is deadly serious when she supports internment of "domestic enemies," spying on Muslims and kicking out immigrants. The last one is especially ironic because she herself is a child of immigrants. But then that has never stopped some from yanking off the ladder once they themselves are safely ensconced within the free and prosperous confines of the US of A.

I hate the word "b***h,"(except when describing a female dog) - a peculiarly denigrating slur against women which has no male equivalent. But on the very rare occasion that this insult is on the tip of my tongue, is when I am confronted by an out and out fascist like Malkin.

And Joe, best of luck for the finals.

Here is an article describing the thoughts of some descendants of interned Japanese Americans. What a contrast to Malkin!

Is for real - or someone's idea of a sick April Fool's joke ?

Don't they find irony in their coined term 'Islamofascist' ?

Thanks Ruchira.

Bongo: sadly, she was entirely serious. If you read her blog, you'll see that much of what she says is consistent with this "John Doe Manifesto."

She's Jewish by injection, as is my Lutheran wife, or so she claims after a couple drinks. What's Michelle drinking?

She really gets mad and even funnier when it's pointed out that she's being immature and silly (intil someone gets their eye poked out) that's what I usually do, while waiting for her train to crash, as we know it will, when she finally opens her eyes and sees that the world she hates is a reflection of what's inside of her...and stuff like that.

definatly agree with you.

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