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April 22, 2007


No brickbats from me, Ruchira. I think you have explained the whole issue well and applied the 'justice tempered by mercy' required by this situation. It remains to your ex-student to decide how he will handle this situation with his adherents who may have read the original post, now that your post no longer gets linked on googling his monastic name.

Religious cults can be fanatical, particularly when their financial interests are at stake. You should be prepared to take legal action if needed, and if the “haranguing” escalates to intimidation, let the FBI know. Your writings bring a fresh perspective to what is often a stale debate, and don’t let this incident stop you from speaking your mind.

I feel strange. Why are people afraid of reality? Religion is wonderful, so is truth. A true practitioner of any faith, will not run away from reality. A lotus blooms in the muck - why appreciate only the lotus? Both the flower and the muck are made of the same cosmic dust as are the planets and all astronomical bodies in the universe and us. Why do we forget such a simple reality? Remember the anecdote of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and his devotee who met him after several years. On being asked the devotee said that he was busy learning Hatha Yoga and that he could now walk on water. Ramakrishna said, that instead of wasting so many years learning how to walk on water, he could have crossed the river simply by giving the boatman some money. Isn't it great?

I am really sorry Ruchira Di - for all the brickbats from devotees and "legal representatives and sponsors" of SV. Since it was I who provided the information of a school friend, without realising the consequences.

Let the BIG GUYS do what they want, manage their lawyers, and sponsors and devotees. Let us continue to cross the river using the boat.

Cheers to one and all.

Nothing to be sorry about, RB. I had asked you a question and you answered with some verifiable facts. The rest is my first hand knowledge, much of it from P.G. himself. That this factual account on my blog would make some people so uncomfortable (for reasons that you and I do not understand) was not something any of us expected.

the problem that i have with religionists is that their imbue their silly beliefs with ontological import. i have silly beliefs too, but i don't ground my sense of being in those beliefs. so you see here a post on the internet precipitates much soul-searching and emotional anguish because that post intersects with some silly beliefs. that's the nature of the world we are in....

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