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« When Knopf Said No | Main | The Lingering Smell Of Fear »

September 14, 2007


"The other side will ask how we can justify asking one more, or 1,000, or 5,000 Americans to die - for what? A mistake."

I'm fairly convinced that the truth is worse- it was no mistake. It's the fulfilling of a plan that enriches a huge cabal of shadowy corporations and individuals who financed GWB's path to the presidency, at the cost of Iraqi and American lives. Yesterday's 'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' had a disturbing segment (item number 4) on a deal between the Kurds and Hunt Oil of Texas and the collapse of the political process in Iraq necessitating permanent stationing of US troops there to 'guarantee the peace'.

The Hunt Oil story is an especially interesting one. While Bush publicly orates about a united, free and democratic Iraq, one of his close friends and contributors strikes a unilateral deal with "Kurdistan?" How funny. It is true that both the Kurds and Hunt Oil have made public assurances about sharing the revenues as required by the "Iraqi Constitution." But it makes you wonder what Hunt Oil knows that we don't. Is Iraq fated to be a divided country along sectarian lines with long time US military presence at the borders? Like in Korea? And has the Bush administration shared this advance knowledge with their fat-cat cronies so that they can get in the game early? Like Halliburton did business with Iran when it was illegal? Well it wouldn't be the first time that corrupt patrons of a corrupt government profited from instability and suffering in a distant land. Forget peace and security. War profiteering is what the whole Iraq war is about.

I really hate Bush.

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