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January 09, 2008


I think there is much too this, though I think the analysis that the media doesn't cover anti-establishment candidates solely because they're anti-establishment simplistic, if not monomaniacal.

All that aside, though, the idea that "plaintiffs' lawyers" are somehow a poor, populist entity (donating "heartily" sounds positively Tiny Tim like) that "represent generally poor individuals against those same corporations" and not a big money interest with its own policy-distorting agenda, is laughable.

If you buy the ActBlue PAC as a collection of individual donors (I do), then, yes, Edwards gets a lot of individual support. It's a logical fallacy, though, to argue that this means the he does not attract establishment support. In terms of "attracting the establishment's support" the top contributor list for Edwards
looks a whole lot like Obama's. In fact, several of the same investment banks and law firms, such as Goldman Sachs and Skadden Arps, have contributed to both. Obama has Lehman Brothers and Edwards has Deutsche Bank (yawn).

Both candidates seem plenty establishment to me.

Apologize for the various typos and for any snippiness-- it's not intended. Still at work, and tired.

Markos "Mr. Kos" Moulitsas has thrown in his support for Obama. He is not exactly MSM but pretty close. He is warning those of us who are being snarky about Hillary to restrain ourselves (including Obama's "You are likable enough" misstep). He thinks that a couple more "teary" moments from Hillary and she will be unbeatable.

Well, I myself believe that the sudden welling of Mrs. Clinton's eyes was not staged. She was tired and frustrated. But she was not crying for the "beloved country." If you paid attention to what she actually said, (“I just don’t want to see us fall backwards. But some of us are right and some of us are wrong. Some of us are ready and some of us are not.”) you'd have noticed that through her hushed tone and soft expression, she was still beating her own drum and putting down her opponent. She said that she didn't want to see the country which had given her so much " fall backward." What did that mean? She couldn't have been talking of the Republicans because at that moment her mind was on the primary and therefore on Obama. So Obama will take the country backward? Why didn't we see HRC shed a single tear in the last seven years when Bush-Cheney gleefully dragged the country backward and through the dirt?

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