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January 14, 2009


A nice selection! And nice to see this blog too. A new one for me.

Hmm, I had a submission about Sarah Palin, and the Tripp Palin brouhaha, sent via Blog Carniva.... guess it didn't make it even with less than 10 featured submissions.

Context for Paul of Tarsus, for naturalism and moral discourse

** Paul, an unhappy conjunction of mental illness and narrow historical reality

Paul writes to widely scattered, small underground cells of xians. His opinions deviate entirely from mainstream Roman and Jewish opinion about marriage -- that it is good to marry and better to add children.

Paul’s praise of celibacy and sexless marriage arises from his view that the world would soon end -- the ruthless judge would return and bring about a complete reordering of nature and humanity. (Only a supernatural Christ could overthrow the invincible armies of imperial Rome.)

Unfortunately, apocalyptic visions were all the rage in occupied Palestine during the mid-first century run-up to Rome’s total destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Each world-ending revelation is a product of an impotent desire for revenge which cannot be expressed in action, but only in words, words veiled in obscure symbols and arcane references.

Paul’s death impulse manifests itself in hatred of the world, irrational inverted snobbery, fear of sexuality, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, anti-Semitism. See 1Cor1:19-26.

Cohn. Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come. 2ed. 2002
Onfray. Atheist Manifesto. eng trans 2006

** morality, neither from on-high nor deep within

There are altogether no moral facts, there is only a moral interpretation of facts. -- Nietzsche

Nature is silent. There is no concept of truth in nature. (Indeed, there are no concepts whatsoever in nature.) Nature *knows* nothing. Nature is neither meaningful nor meaningless. Neither a source of comfort (natural theology) nor a source of despair (existentialism).

Both views are rooted in the same mistaken presupposition that supernatural *meaning* can be ascertained by searching the heavens for gods or quarrying human inwardness for moral laws. No moral order can be found in the universe other than the ancestors put into it. And so-called moral *laws* belong to cultures, not to nature.

Nietzsche. The Anti-Christ. 1888.
Harris. Cultural Materialism. 1967.

Woohoo! I'm the best!! Another win for the ubiquitous Biobrain!!!

Just in case you were wondering what an ILLIBERAL society would look like:

Congratulations to all of the bloggers who contributed to CotL 82, and thanks for sharing your blogs with us!

this post is quite informative and interesting, i m sure this would be helpful for readers.

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