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« Past-Modern Art (Sujatha) | Main | Hungry? (Dean) »

May 04, 2009


Welcome, D! I was going to be a bigger jerk than usual and ask you your thoughts of the significance of the Dirac equation as an expression of the covariance of a spinor under Lorenz transformations, but thought better of it, at least for now. I'm looking forward to reading your remarks.

Hullo Dean, thanks. A kindred spirit eh? My favorite Dirac story is this: apparently the first time he met Feynman the two said nothing for an uncomfortable moment. Then Dirac says "I have an equation."

I do get the joke, this being a prelude to confessing, on the other hand, that I don't have the slightest grasp of what I wrote. I simply cribbed language from a particle physics text I have at hand, virtually speaking. So, no, I'm not a kindred spirit if by that you mean to suggest I share an aptitude for these sorts of puzzles. Heck, I figured Dirac was a trademark or something. (Great name for a metal band...) Please do provide more gossip, though.

Wow, I don't have enough physics knowledge to join in the Dirac riff -- I must be a carrier of the weak force! Anyhow, welcome to the blog, D, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Welcome to A.B., D!
I'll admit that it took me a few extra seconds to figure out the similarity in sound between 'equation' and 'a question'. But then, I've always been a bit of a fluorescent tube when it comes to getting the punchline.

Dean, you deserve a bop on the head for subjecting us to 'covariance of spinor under Lorentz transformation'. Here it comes.....BOP.


Welcome! I for one, look forward to your thoughts on non-scientific topics, which I hope give you as much pleasure to mull as I get from my very infrequent comments, almost none of which (by design) have to do with the law.

D, as an AB reader, and a reader of that other blog which occasioned your discovery and recruitment here, I'm delighted you'll be posting on this site -- a meeting of the minds rather that a rendezvous for WIMPs. I'm sure you'll make it an even more fun place to be.

Thanks all for the welcome! I think I'll ease into posting later this week. Also, no more physics humor from here on, especially when it's that bad. Sujatha, the pun never occurred to me :)

All humor is physics humor. A man slips on a banana peel...

Will look forward to your post if you get around to it later this week, D.

FYI, all A.B. authors:

I am leaving for a short trip for the rest of the week and won't be refreshing the page. If any one of you has the time to post, please do. I will have limited access to the Internet but will be checking the blog periodically. So if D's piece does go up, I will probably be able to read it.

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