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October 19, 2009


How I Met Ruchira

see comments

Congratulations, Ruchira and Y'all

Hi Accidental Bloggers! Congratulations on completing 4 years. Here's wishing you many happy returns of the day...I have chipped in occasionally, if only to escape the temptation of engaging with the rather infectious enthusiasm and seriousness of the discussions... Wish I had more time!

Happy birthday Accidental Blogger! Four years is quite a blogging run. Four years of your energy, wit, and wisdom. Here's wishing you more years ahead. Keep fighting the good fight!

I wanted to be the first to congratulate you. Looks like others have beaten me to it.
AB is a blog i visit regularly, though comment only occsionally.
I find it one of the most informative and classy blogs.

Happy birthday ! Andrew is right, the tone of the blog is quite "reader friendly" and does not have needless pretension. Yet the stuff is by no means low- brow.

It's a hackneyed sentiment, but too true to avoid: there are too few fora in which to engage in reflective and measured debate with people from different walks of life. Accidental Blogger remains, after four years, my go-to (idealized) Greek forum or Viennese cafe, and I am profoundly grateful to the consistency and energy of co-bloggers and readers, who are no doubt at least as busy as I, for making that possible. Cheers all!

I like how I'm calling Dean an unrelenting curmudgeon in the same post in which he makes quasi-touchy-feely remarks about our virtual community.


Dean will return tomorrow and I expect he will respond to your ironic observation.

But is Dean the only curmudgeon here? I thought you aspire to that sobriquet yourself. And let's not forget Narayan, our guest author.

Congratulations, accidental bloggers! You have built a great virtual community here. All the best for your next four year term!

hey ma, happy 4th birthday to ab.

Curmudgeon is one of those words that is invariably misused (as forte is invariably mispronounced). I seldom use the word any more. If there is even one among the authors of this blog then Ruchira is setting the bar too low - unless I am being reprimanded for being a surl (that ought to be a word, no?).

Curmudgeon :
(Oxford American) - a bad-tempered or surly person
(Webster) - a surly, ill-mannered, bad-tempered person; cantankerous fellow

Cantankerous :
(Webster) - quarrelsome

Now fifty, my goal of being a curmudgeonly, cantankerous old fuddy-duddy, pardon the ageism, is in sight. As for the irony of an online crank emoting like a little schoolgirl, pardon the sexism, let's just say I have a soft shell, beneath which resides a crab. I go best with Prosecco or a hearty IPA.

Andrew: tomorrow night, the new Freight & Salvage, Han Bennink, Michael Moore, and Will Holshouser. I'll be there. This ought to be the next best thing to hearing the Clusone Trio.


I tried to write a poem for the occasion (as I have for you once before!), but must perform domestic duties immediately for the sake of maintaining reasonable conjugal relations. So this Eminemish rap (I love the relentless, (heart)beat of Eminem's trimeter) will have to do (to be sung to the tune of his "The Way I Am"): (if you haven't heard the song, give it a try by clicking the link before this sentence!)

I can c
that u're 4
n I wish
u were more
cuz I like
what u do
it's like going
to the zoo
when u're young,
what I mean
is that you
are so keen
and I like
reading u
and the ones
on ur blog,
and I wish
u the best
of the west
and the east
for the feast
u provide
for the mind
and the heart,
u won't find
better stuff
if u do,
do write me
u know where
I am there,
yes, I'm here,
and sometimes
I am at

But more seriously, AB is a great source of unusual ideas and unconventional takes on things, and I am a great fan of all of you, but especially of the lovely Ruchira. Congratulations, and all best wishes.


This is most awesome - I hear from all co-bloggers, fellow bloggers whom I have met in the course of four years, my BIL, my SIL, my son and the bloggers' poet laureate, Abbas.

As for curmudgeon, Narayan, neither you nor Dean or Joe qualify to meet the dictionary standard of the word. But going by light hearted, every day exaggeration, we would like to crown one or all three of you our own resident-curmudgeon! I guess a better word would be a)passionate b)contrarian c) crusty - take your pick. And yes, funny. Otherwise, why would you all be Accidental Bloggers?

(Actually, being a woman I don't probably qualify strictly as a curmudgeon. But if anybody bothered to go back into the archives to dig out some of my early anti-Bush-Cheney-rightwing-nuts rants, I think I belong right up there with some of the angriest voices in the blogosphere!)

Hey Dean -- that is an awesome show! I will see you there!

Happy birthday, accidental bloggers!

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