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« 10 Minutes (Sujatha) | Main | A Magnetic Distraction »

March 23, 2010


Well at least someone knows what happened! It was bound to be Ruchira!!! I'm forwarding this link around for all of us who are still wondering wtf.

this has been a real bit of ugliness, this whole ordeal. very glad it passed, just so that obama can be in more of an offensive mode during the next election...whether the reform is popular or not, he owns it and can now say "here are the benefits, here's why it was necessary". had it failed, he would have been in a purely defensive position...he would have been campaigning with no real policies to rally around..."republicans got in the way" would have made for a miserable angle.

also, it puts republicans in the posistion of having had no involvement with a major reform. a weaker position, no matter how much weirdo paranoia they try to build up around the issue. "it's a government take over!" they'll take the paranoia into overdrive now, it's the only card they have left...and they might very well succeed with it...but they'll do so against an administration that has achieved something, established at least some modicum of "success" (that is, they passed this bill; when it comes to defining "success" for democrats, i'm setting the bar really low).

Okay, I'm officially an Obama (and Pelosi) fan-boy. Gallup has a heartening poll:

Neugebauer may have his '15 minutes of fame' like Joe Wilson, but I suspect that it's the signs of what may end up being the splitting of the Republican party, moderates in one faction (Let's call it GOP(M), just like the Indian National Congress split into Cong(I), Cong(S)...Cong(Z))
The other will be GOP(BT) - not Bacillus Thuringensis, though the combination may as well be as strange a genetically modified organism, but Birther-Teapartier.
I'm guessing Palin, Wilson, Neugebauer, Bachman et al. will be in the BT wing, while Frum, Romney, Cornyn, et al. will be stuck in the M wing, not having made the cut. McCain will be in Limboland.

Predictions aside, I had the strangest feeling that HCR would eventually pass, no matter how many times it had been declared dead in various media. It may have ambled through the gates like a zombie, but it can't be killed, just like one.

Sujatha: Great analogy of the unkillable zombie. The good thing is that the Dems are no longer behaving like one. There is definitely a spring in their step and they seem to be standing up straighter.

Matt, the GOP paranoia is not quite done. They are still trying to outdo one another in repugnanat and sometimes ludicrous rhetoric. One GOP candidate in NY compared the Health Care legislation to the 9/11 catastrophe. Granted this one's trying to win an election. The elected Repugs are not too far behind.

Prasad, the polls are only going to get more favorable as people digest the facts and implications of the bill. Only the cut off one's nose to spite one's face variety of right wingers who want Obama to fail above all, will still be harping on the evils of the bill. Any halfway decent and honest citizen will not like to revert to the "pre-existing condition" of the US health care system.

"the GOP paranoia is not quite done."

as bad as the conspiracy theories have been, i think they're just getting started. leading up to the next presidential election, all of the anti-obama paranoia will bleed together into larger, more insane paranoia.

it's been scattered up till now...obama has a fake birth certificate...he's a secret muslim...or, umm, a marxist!

obama put his reputation on the line with this health care debate...the republican strategy was to sink his agenda, leave him with little to promote...and now that it's passed, they've lost their primary target. saying "the bill that passed was a mistake" is a weak, defensive position...they'll definitely say that, but now they have to re-group around a new strategy, and the consipiracy theories are going to take center stage. now that the "health care reform = government take over" rhetoric has failed, they have to go further, conjure larger boogie men. the combination that is happening right now: republicans both out of power and failing to torpedo a major democratic's a perfect storm for paranoia and conspiracies. that's the republican blueprint for the next few years. they're about to roll out crazy on a whole new scale.

M, was that a 'secret muslin' or should it have been a 'secret madras'? I think they have their fabric categories messed up.

just as long as he's not secret velco or pleather. those are the worst.

The proposed The Health Care Reform is not necessary and may well be very harmful to the U.S.There is a large set of means to fix the U.S. Healthcare System. Following the socialist model is not the answer. Hear the truth about the

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