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Cat Quote

  • "He who dislikes the cat, was in his former life, a rat."

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May 29, 2010


Hilarious, Sujatha. "S" must have read the "rooster" message. He was just too polite to ask his mom why she was getting farm yard jokes on her cell phone!

I don't use my cell phone much (unless I am out of town) and it lies in my car most of the time as an "emergency" measure. So, most of my family members and friends know not to call me on the cell number unless I specifically ask them to. Every six weeks or so, when I turn it on, either to make a call when away from home or to just check for the junk that may have gathered in my in-box, I do find an occasional "Bad Bro" text message, aside from the numerous Verizon promotions. I just delete them even if they are repeats. Only once did I take the trouble to inform the caller that it was the wrong number. That too, because the caller was getting frantic about not hearing back.

I of course loved the cat & rooster video. It is too cute - posting it on my FB page. The kitten thinks he is a chicken and the video seems innocent enough. But the commentary is in Japanese. Hope there is no hidden salacious joke there that I didn't get :-) I don't care. Posting it anyway.

Unless you have FB friends who can read Japanese, we will never know. I don't think the overlay of text is something you can cut and paste in a translation engine. I tried that once on some comments that came in Russian or something and it was, of course, a mess of 'bad' terms along with a link. But the kitten (note how big he is by the end of the video) who grows up thinking he's a chicken sounds like a plot line for Dick King-Smith's (of Babe the Gallant Pig fame) next book.

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