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November 22, 2010


Welcome to the world of blogging, Cyrus. A remarkably cogent post (you even remembered to include the right tags!) despite the feverish malaise. Hopefully we will soon see the "substantial" post you had in mind before the attack of the pox.

I know of at least one other A.B. blogger (Sujatha) who endured the miseries of chicken pox in adulthood. But you are the first person I know who was afflicted by the full blown version of the disease twice! I have heard of people getting shingles, its vestigial manifestation, later in life. However, a second bout of chicken pox is news to me. Since your dad had the same experience, perhaps there is some genetic propensity for the unusual repeat occurrence. Hope you feel completely well soon.

An auspicious AB debut in circumstances that are anything but. And a grand contribution to the lit on childhood illnesses that afflict grown-ups. You make me want my Teddy Bear, just to read your words. Sending lots of psychic chicken soup....

Sucks to be you, dude! But champagne now, all the same... Mazeltov!

Happy recovery, Cyrus. At least you have the internet and Facebook to keep you company, which makes the isolation a little bit more tolerable.
When I had my round of chicken pox, the internet was still in its diapers, I only had occasional connect time to the Usenet. It didn't bother me with such a high fever, though the blisters were distressing. But most distressing of all was a first time encounter with the famed intricacies of the US Health care system ( first appointment - come in 8 weeks time, or hie thee to an ER, if you think it needs immediate attention :O).


Leave it to Elatia, the fantastic chef, to suggest chicken soup - if only psychic chicken soup. Well, I have some chicken soup that is less psychic and more musical.

I have an album of fun klezmer music with a song named, "Chicken," performed by the group Kapelye. One doesn't have to speak or understand Yiddish to figure out a few words and phrases.

If you like, let my know how I can send a 2.7 MB .ogg file to you. It'll get you up out of bed and dancing. Anyone know how I can post it somewhere, like Youtube?

May you recover and write a thousand blog posts.

Application of a paste made out of neem leaves and turmeric was all that was prescribed for me. Of course, these days you may have to pay a royalty to W.R.Grace for the first ingredient.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. The fever is completely gone today, possibly thanks to a healthy dose of homemade chicken soup. Actually, turkey soup, as pollo is quite expensive in Switzerland.

Norm, thanks for the gift of music, but my e-mail in-box can't handle a file that large. Maybe upload it to one of the many file sharing sites and e-mail me the URL?

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