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Cat Quote

  • "He who dislikes the cat, was in his former life, a rat."

« Evolution Foreshadowed (Sujatha) | Main | Now, fake wikileaks...(Omar) »

December 10, 2010


So, man "civilized" the environs to suit his purpose and not the other way around. Could this also explain the relatively domesticable nature of the Asian elephant compared to its wild African cousin?

What do you think of the 16th century Malayali poet's vision of the origin of man that Sujatha quotes below your post? If he was indeed taking his cue from the Sankhya Veda, I must note here that the only numbers inspired volume of the ancient vedas apparently contains isolated gems of scientific insights cluttered by a lot of unintelligible mathematical gibberish that purports to explain the universe, its contents AND the non-existence of god. Or so I have heard. When Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (ICV) was clashing with the Hindu obscurantists over his support of widow remarriage in India, some of his atheist supporters asked him to quote the Sankhya Veda to upend the Upanishads based religiosity of his critics. ICV in his infinite wisdom and steely determination declined, saying that there was no point in fighting crap with more crap.

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