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December 10, 2010


All the Pakistani papers, except one, who published the fake leaks have now apologized.

Interesting that Ahmed Qureshi hypes the fake cable story by defending it as based on an actual Daily Mail report bylined by 'mysterious' authors such as Suzie Wang (Washington?), Christina Palmer ( who according to an earlier article by Qureshi, may actually have been suspected spy Madhuri Gupta with a pseudonym), et al.
Maybe there will be a host of screenwriters chasing all these principals for rights to the movie version of the fake expose, Spy vs. Spy craziness. It might be more entertaining than Inception to sort out the logic of the whole scheme on the silver screen.

ISI continues to stand by its story:

But of course! The play book has not been revised and updated since Hamid Gul edited it.

So The Daily Mail will be the sole self-anointed purveyor of these 'Wikileaks', while the others who blared it in their headlines will have to stay decorously away. I'm sure that the owners of The Daily Mail must be laughing all the way to the bank.

The deadly game of tit-for-tat between the CIA and the ISI now at full tilt.

The game has always been at full tilt, but ISI is increasingly confident of victory, so a little more assertive...

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