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October 02, 2012


John, thanks for candidly sharing your observations about the evolution of the "family" both as a bystander as well as from your personal experiences. Indeed, the family, as many other social arrangements, have changed through the ages and will keep changing. Hopefully, all involved will learn to adjust, cope and flourish. It bothers me so much when the holier-than-thou among us choose to lecture others about "traditional" marriage and family. I want to ask, "As defined by whom?" They probably have forgotten about multiple wives (not counting concubines), child brides, abuse of widows (in Hindu India), wives and children treated like cattle and chattel. Whom are they kidding? A loving and supportive family is among the most precious gifts anyone of us can have in this life. We as individuals as also our public policies, should want all families to have a chance at being healthy and happy.

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