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« From "Innocence" to Mohammed Joyce by Omar Ali | Main | United States of Starbucks (John Ballard) »

October 11, 2012


I don't have anything to say on the political situation in Pakistan; you do that much more eloquently and knowledgeably. All I can say here about Malala Yousafzai, who has fortunately survived the savage attack, is echoing what Nadeem F. Paracha said in her article in Dawn, "Jeeti Raho. (stay alive!)

Like Ruchira I'm to ill-informed to comment on politics in Pakistan. But I do appreciate this description of Code Pink at one of the links. "Code Pink is basically the estrogen-fueled equivalent of the drum circle they wish would go away."

Omar, this Open Democracy essay appears to underscore your points.

You’d think that a US-UK peace delegation (Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Reprieve) planning to go to the tribal areas might have asked for briefings from the Women’s Action Forum, Shirkat Gah, or any number of other Pakistani movement organizations. Instead their guide was Imran Khan, a cricket hero turned politician who organized a much-publicized motor procession to Waziristan to protest drone attacks. The members of the peace delegation do not seem to have been troubled by Khan’s views or his dubious associations.

As Jason Burke recently wrote in The Observer, among Khan’s allies are the Pakistan Defense Council, “a coalition of extremist groups which wants to end any Pakistani alliance with the USA and includes people who not only explicitly support the Afghan Taliban but who are associated with terrorist and sectarian violence.” Lashkar-e-Taiba, responsible for the 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, is part of this coalition. Khan’s position on the Pakistani Taliban - the ones who shot Malala Yousafzai - is unequivocal, says The Observer: “The militants themselves, who behead supposed spies and drive out development workers or teachers, are increasingly unpopular. Yet Khan calls the violence a ‘fight for Pashtun solidarity against a foreign invader.’ He insists ‘there is not a threat to Pakistan from Taliban ideology.’”

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